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Foundations of Yoga: Teacher Training
Unit 1: Warm Welcome & Introduction
A Warm Welcome from Hersha (1:48)
Swami Satchidananda: Introduction to Integral Yoga
The Six Branches of Integral Yoga
Hatha Tutorial: Setting Up the Class (2:55)
Hatha Tutorial: Class Opening & Mantra Chanting (8:18)
Hatha Tutorial: Netra Vyayamam: Eye Movements (5:17)
A&P: Introduction to Anatomy & Physiology
Study Guide: Integral Yoga Mantras (3:12)
Unit 2: Warm Ups & Sun Salutations
Swami Satchidananda: Japa Yoga - The Yoga of Mantra Repetition
Hatha Tutorial: Sun Salutations (14:01)
Hatha Tutorial: Savasana / Advasana (2:46)
A&P: Health, Yoga & Anatomy Part 1 (24:24)
A&P: Skeletal System
A&P: Planes of Movement
A&P: The Spine
A&P: Types of Joints
Unit 3: Standing Poses
Swami Satchidananda: Raja Yoga - The Royal Path of Yoga
Hatha Tutorial: Standing Part 1 (18:45)
Hatha Tutorial: Standing Part 2 (15:26)
A&P: Health, Yoga & Anatomy - Part 2 (48:34)
A&P: Know Your Muscles
A&P: Foot & Knee
Unit 4: Backward Bends & Prone Poses
Swami Satchidananda: Unlocking the Secrets to the Yoga Sutras - Part 1 (22:29)
Hatha Tutorial: Backward Bends (10:31)
Hatha Tutorial: Prone Poses (19:57)
A&P: Health, Yoga & Anatomy - Part 3 (24:20)
A&P: Cervical Spine
A&P: Shoulder Joint
Unit 5: Forward Bends & Seated Poses
Swami Satchidananda: Unlocking the Secrets to the Yoga Sutras - Part 2 (22:02)
Hatha Tutorial: Forward Bends (10:32)
Hatha Tutorial: Seated Poses (13:56)
A&P: Health, Yoga & Anatomy - Part 4 (24:20)
A&P: Lumbar Spine
A&P: Digestive System & Yoga
Unit 6: Inversions & Rotations
Unlocking the Secrets to the Yoga Sutras - Part 3 (10:37)
Hatha Tutorial: Inversions, Modifications & Counter Poses (14:00)
Hatha Tutorial: Supine Poses (12:52)
Hatha Tutorial: Twisting & Yoga Mudra (6:55)
A&P: Health, Yoga & Anatomy - Part 5 (12:31)
A&P: Abdominal Muscles
A&P: Endocrine System & Yoga
Unit 7: Yoga Nidra - Deep Relaxation
Swami Satchidananda: Bhakti Yoga - The Yoga of Devotion
Hatha Tutorial: Yoga Nidra: Deep Relaxation (Yogic Sleep) (12:25)
A&P: Nervous System
A&P: The Subtle Nervous System
Unit 8: Pranayama (Breathing)
Hatha Tutorial: Pranayama (13:34)
A&P: Respiratory System
A&P: Cardiovascular System & Yoga
Study Guide: Asana Pronunciation Audio Track
Study Guide: Raja Yoga Sutras & Resources
Unit 9: Meditation & Mind
Swami Satchidananda: Jnana Yoga - The Yoga of Wisdom
Introduction to Meditation (13:11)
Hatha Tutorial: Meditation & Class Closing (7:05)
A&P: Immune System & Yoga
Unit 10: Living Yoga - Lifestyle & Service
Swami Satchidananda: Karma Yoga - The Yoga of Action
Yoga Diet & Detoxification (51:00)
Fasting & Six Kriyas: Yogic Cleansing Techniques (15:55)
Setting Up as a Teacher
A&P: Health, Yoga & Anatomy - Part 5
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