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YAMA Foundation's Here To Be Teen Program | YAMA基金會 「瑜越」 青少年計劃
Welcome to Here To Be | 歡迎蒞臨「瑜越」計劃
Hello from Hersha, YAMA's Founder | YAMA基金會創辦人Hersha歡迎詞 (2:04)
Meet the team | 團隊介紹 (2:48)
How to get the most out of this course | 如何充份利用本課程? (0:55)
Part 1: YOGA - Introduction to Your Body & How It Holds Stress | 第一節:瑜伽練習:身體簡介和它怎樣承受壓力的介紹
INTRO: Know How Your Body Holds Stress | 簡介:瞭解您的身體如何承受壓力 (1:29)
YOGA CLASS: Know Your Body | 瑜伽堂:瞭解您的身體 (29:26)
Part 2: MENTAL HEALTH - Understanding the Stress Response | 第二節:心理健康:了解壓力反應
INTRO: Understand Stress | 簡介:了解壓力反應 (0:38)
VIDEO: Understand Your Stress Response | 視頻:了解壓力反應 (9:45)
RESOURCES: Guided Activities / Tips | 資料庫:指引和活動
Part 3: YOGA - Embodied Practices to Shift Anxiety & Depression | 第三節:瑜伽練習:轉移壓力焦慮和抑鬱的練習
INTRO: Anxiety in the Body | 簡介:藏在體內的焦慮 (2:16)
YOGA CLASS: Release Stress in the Body | 瑜伽堂:釋放體內的壓力 (23:33)
Part 4: MENTAL HEALTH - How to Alter Negative Mental & Emotional States | 第四節:心理健康:怎樣改變負面心理/情緒狀態
INTRO | 簡介 (0:31)
VIDEO: Breath | 視頻 : 呼吸 (4:13)
Part 5: YOGA - Working with Breath in Movement | 第五節:瑜伽練習:呼吸與動作的配合
INTRO: Yoga Breathing Techniques | 簡介:基本呼吸技巧 (0:39)
YOGA CLASS: Pranayama Sessions | 瑜伽堂:瑜伽呼吸法 (20:23)
Part 6: MENTAL HEALTH GUIDANCE - Self-Esteem | 第六節:心理健康指引:自尊感
INTRO | 簡介 (0:26)
VIDEO: Build Your Self-Esteem | 視頻:建立自尊感 (7:53)
Part 7: YOGA - Self-Esteem & Your Core Strength | 第七節:瑜伽練習:自尊感和核心肌力
INTRO: Core Strength | 簡介:發展核心肌力 (2:40)
YOGA CLASS: Work Your Core | 瑜伽堂:核心肌力鍛煉 (28:14)
Part 8: MENTAL HEALTH - Shifting Negative Thought Patterns | 第八節:心理健康:負面思想模式轉移
INTRO | 簡介 (0:28)
VIDEO: Shifting Negative Thought Patterns | 視頻: 心理健康:負面思想模式轉移 (10:39)
Part 9: YOGA - Shifting Energy with Flow Yoga | 第九節:「動」瑜伽 - 負面思想模式轉移
INTRO | 簡介: (2:56)
YOGA CLASS: Flow | 視頻:與瑜伽一起流動 (33:42)
Part 10: MENTAL HEALTH - Finding Your Authentic Voice | 第十節:心理健康:尋找真我
INTRO: | 簡介: (0:31)
VIDEO: Finding Your Authentic Voice | 第十節:心理健康:尋找真我 (8:13)
RESOURCES: Guides & Activities | 資料庫:指引和活動
Module 11: YOGA - Grounding & Authenticity | 第十一節:瑜伽練習:接地和本真
INTRO: | 簡介: (0:49)
YOGA CLASS: | 瑜伽堂: (23:20)
Conclusion | 結論
VIDEO: Putting It All Together | 總括結果 (0:46)
How to get the most out of this course | 如何充份利用本課程?
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