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Strong Mind Yoga
What to expect in this course
About the instructor & her lineage
About Integral Yoga
Part 1: Introduction & Background to Raja Yoga
The Greatness of Raja Yoga
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
Book 1: Sutras 1-4 - The Formula for the Mind (38:36)
Book 1: Sutras 5-11 - Organising Thought Patterns (44:39)
Part 2: How to control your mind?
Book 1: Sutras 12-16: Practice & Non-attachment (48:10)
Book 2: Sutras 28-34: Ashtanga Yoga: Intro To The Eight-Limbed Path (25:40)
Sadhana Diary: Tracking Your Progress
Assignment & Discussion
Part 3: Yoga's Forgotten Foundation: Yamas
Book 2: Sutra 35 - Ahimsa (29:38)
Book 2: Sutra 36 - Satya (15:46)
Book 2: Sutra 37 - Asteya (22:43)
Book 2: Sutra 38 - Bramacharya (13:15)
Book 2: Sutra 39 - Aparigraha (19:18)
Part 4: Yoga's Forgotten Foundation
Book 2: Sutra 40-42 - Saucha & Samtosha (22:25)
Book 2: Sutras 43-46 - Tapasya, Svadyaya & Isvarapranidhanam (25:32)
Assignment & Discussion
Part 5: Moving from the Mat into the Mind
Book 2: Sutras 46-49: Asana (28:46)
Book 2: Sutras 49-53: Pranayama (24:54)
Book 2: Sutras 54-55: Pratyahara & Mindfulness (15:47)
Book 3: Sutras 1-3: Concentration & Meditation (24:25)
Part 6: Mantras & Obstacles
Book 1: Sutras 21-29: Devotion & Mantra (45:23)
Mantras to Practice
Book 1: Sutras 30-32: Obstacles to Meditation (24:11)
Assignment & Discussion
Part 7: Yoga of Relationships
Book 1: Sutra 33 - Four Locks & Four Keys (24:44)
The Gunas: Qualities of Nature
Nadis & Chakras: Subtle Nervous System
Part 8: Ways to Meditate
Book 1: Sutra 34-41 - The "Ors" (28:20)
Book 2: Sutras 1-2: Yoga In Action (38:48)
Assignment & Discussion
Part 9: The Ultimate Obstacles
Book 2: Sutras 3-12: The Kleshas (46:21)
Koshas: Layers of Our Being
Nalanie Chellaram's Suggested Reading List
Glossary of Sanskrit Terms
Nadis & Chakras: Subtle Nervous System
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